
The feeble economic resources represented no hindrance for my childhood dreams. My backyard had no boundaries and any discrete yellow leaf among the plush green surrounding me was an event to be observed. My eyes would spot any oddly sharp grain of sand; my ears would enjoy the piano melody played by the drops of rain falling in the cans dangling from the roof of my house. Events such as those would feed my dreams and the adventures in the following days. Ants, dragonflies, hens, ducks and dogs were my toys. Teaching them useless lessons, I learned to be what I am.

The images I register are conspicuous evidences of my childhood, reflected wherever I go: to Berlin, to Brazil,
to Turkey, to New York.

 My backyard used to expand and keeps on expanding beyond walls. Without any other intention, I could`t avoid registering and sharing these images as a means of understanding the world, life and myself. I welcome those willing to adventure in this trip to share this site with me.